Just now,a lady from UNISEL called me.And then she said,
“Awak telah diterima untuk mengikuti program JAD di UNISEL.Nak tak?”
“Eh,of course la nak!”
“Ok.Awak kene daftar di Dewan ApeNtah pada 6 Jun ni.”
“Hohh.”,I replied.
“Surat tawaran awak akan terima next week.Tapi sebelum tu saya nak awak confirm kan dulu alamat rumah awak neh”
“Ok.”,I replied again (wehh perlu ke aku tulis aku reply sependek tu?)
“Lot 11485 blablablabla…”
“A’ah.Betol la tu.”
“Ok.Terima kasih.”
Alhamdulillah.I’ve been confirmed to be part of JAD programme.But,wait a sec,ape itu JAD?
JAD stands for Japanese Associates Degree.These programme is held under Yayasan Pelajaran Mara(YPM) specialised for creating bunch of skilled engineers.Insyaallah I’ll be one of them!
I’ll be enduring 3 years lessons on electrical engineering (plus Nihon-go classes) in UNISEL [diploma] and then proceed into one of 20 top universities in Japan for 2 years degree study .InsyaAllah.
Wahhhh.Who would ever thought that I’ll be back to Japan since my first and my last trip there about 3 years ago.Woahhh..
Before this,I had 3 weeks of preparation before I had to leave my family for 2 weeks tour in Japan.But now,I have to experience 3 years of Diploma study in Malaysia and then 2 years in Japan insyaAllah.
Again,woahhhhh,what a coincidence.wohahaha
Nov 2007 :
before I’d to make my decision whether I wanna go to Nihon or not,actually my pertimbangan adalah lebih kepada ; x payoh gi ah,baik holiday je ngan family.pemikiran budok form 3,manje lenje lagi.uhhhh
But shockingly after my Japan trip was over and I safely arrived at Sultan Mahmud’s Airport, after 45 mins flight from KLIA,…I cried like….wth! What a humiliating moment.haha
with anis,uno &natsu ikeda
At toyohashi zoo.Okaachan....
Potluck party at Toyokawa.Aku sorang je paka jaket.tu la pakai baju kecik sangat.hishh
*Dear readers,please note that the phone conversation with the unisel lady above was real and yeah,my tone was amazingly cool.No joke.I just don’t know why.haha
*Harap maaf,blog x ter-update mane.aisehhh basse malas.
*Harap maaf lagi,bahase rojak,loghat pon rojak.aisehhh
tahniah uppa!
am speechless,stunning laaaaaaa
appppaa..wuuuhuuu~aku mlawat blog mg..
nway,congratz dude!
haha.mirah, 'yuni,mekaseh2.hehe
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