Hiragana and katakana were done in a week.Its kinda flattering for me to make it both hiragana and katakana just in a short time.Now that I'm able to read those Japanese syllables,so I thought kanji would just be a piece of cake laa.But then wth,in just 2 hours kanji class,we had to memorize about 25 kanji already.Seems like mada,but for me,its not ok.haha.ok then.ganbatte kudasai mina san! yosh!
p/s : I'm really looking forward to go back home.kazoku,neko,gajet.ooooooooooooowhhhhh
ChayoOk appa!!!!
haha.balik ekg try ckp ngan ak.even ak xpham pa,tapi ak nk dgr.haha
haha.yaa syaak!chayok appa.
aten,aku x reti ag nk ckp jpn brabuk gitu.stkt watashiwa watashino je.ahaha
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